Shuswap Better At Home Program
Together, we can give older adults a hand.
Seniors are an important and growing part of our communities, and their active involvement enriches everyone’s lives. To ensure that older adults continue to play an active part in our communities, they often need support to live safely and independently in their own homes, surrounded by loved ones.
Shuswap Better at Home Coordinators are available to assist current clients and other seniors living independently in our service area with non-medical supports, information, and referrals at this time. If you need assistance, please contact the Central Intake line for more information 250-253-2749 or
Shuswap Better at Home Coordinators are available to assist current clients and other seniors living independently in our service area with non-medical supports, information, and referrals at this time. If you need assistance, please contact the Central Intake line for more information 250-253-2749 or
What is Better At Home?
Better At Home is a program that helps older adults with day-to-day tasks by coordinating simple, non-medical services so that they can continue to live independently in their own homes and remain connected to their communities.
How is Shuswap Better at Home funded?
The Province of British Columbia, through the Ministry of Health, provides funding to the United Way of BC to guide local non-profit organizations in providing the Better at Home program across BC in over 90 locations. Individual community organizations accept donations, fund raise, and encourage volunteer participation in the program.
The Eagle Valley Community Support Society holds the contract for the Shuswap program which includes Sicamous, Salmon Arm, Enderby, Chase, as well as the South Shuswap and North Shuswap communities.
Why become a Shuswap Better at Home client?
As a client, you have access to a range of services that evolve with you as your needs change. As well as the security and peace of mind knowing your services are provided by local, vetted contractors, trained staff and volunteers. Participation in services is voluntary and there is no fee to become a client.